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My "two cents" on being an old fashioned librarian in the digital age.
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Monday, February 20, 2012

Too much or too little?

I've been thinking about my teaching pedagogy again, and trying to decide what makes sense.  When you teach a one-shot, fifty minute class you're up against a lot of obstacles from the get-go.  The students don't know you, so you haven't developed a rapport.  They don't think "the librarian" can teach them anything.  They'd rather goof off on facebook - hey, it's the first class they've had in the computer lab so why not take advantage of it?

I started off by trying to hit everything, at least briefly.  Searching for books, searching for articles, search strategies in general, different databases, lots and lots of content.  But you know what?  I don't know that more than a tiny handful of students took anything away from that, other than "yeah, I think I might recognize the librarian" and "databases are complicated, so I'll stick with Google".

So I've modified my pedagogy.  I've decided that there are three main things I want the students to take away from my time class.  1) There are folks who can help you.  2) There's lots of great stuff out there.  3) Databases are not scary. 

So I spend the first part of class talking about the library, and how they can get help.  I tell them how to contact me, and how to contact other librarians though a whole host of social media, chat, text, and tweets.  I started including lots of suggested database links on my guides.  I don't go into detail, but I point them out as great starting places.  And then reiterate - over and over and over - that I am there to help them, whenever they need it.

Finally, I compare database searching to Google searching.  I try to show them that - just like Google - they can jump in feet-first and still get good results.  I show them helps; tell them that ... just like Google ... they can play around with searches and use the links on the left to narrow results.

And you know what?  I think it's working!  I've had more students this semester request books, ask for research help, and actually use library services.  And I'd like to think that in the classes I'm getting at least a few nods of appreciation (instead of blank stares).


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